How-To: Extinguish Small Fires

How-To: Extinguish Small Fires

The first thing to remember is to not panic.

There are different types of fires, and many different ways to fight them. Apart from using a fire extinguisher, here are several other ways to put out a fire:

Electrical Fires

Do not use water to put out an electrical fire – you might get shocked.

  • Switch off the appliance and pull out the plug.
  • Pour baking soda on the broken cord. Baking soda works as it contains sodium bicarbonate, which is a component of a fire extinguisher.

Cooking Fires

Do not move the pan, turn on the exhaust fan, or use water to put out the fire – it might aggravate the situation.

Fire in the oven or microwave:

  • Keep the door closed and switch off the oven. The lack of oxygen will put out the flames.

Fire from a greasy pan:

  • If the fire is small, cover the pan with a lid and turn off the stove.
  • Pour baking soda or salt on the pan.
  • Smother the fire with a large wet cloth.

Gas Fires

  • Switch off the gas supply.
  • Smother the fire with a rug or blanket.
  • Dial 995 for SCDF.

If you smell gas from the stove, do not enter the area with a lighted match or cigarette. Do not turn light switches on or off as the smallest spark could ignite the gas in the air and cause an explosion.

Types of Fire Extinguishers:

Type Effective against fires involving:
Water Combustible materials (i.e. paper, cloth, wood, plastics)

Not to be used to fight oil/grease fires.

Carbon dioxide Flammable liquids, gases and live electricity, combustible materials
Dry chemical power Flammable liquids, gases and live electricity, combustible materials and combustible metals (i.e. sodium, potassium, magnesium)

How to use a Fire Extinguisher:

Remember PASS!

Source: SCDF Emergency Handbook
The SCDF’s Emergency Handbook contains a wealth of life-saving information that will come in handy during critical situations where Google can’t.